Gearing up for 2022: Good Foot’s Goals!

Entering a new year may seem daunting to some, but not to the team at Good Foot Delivery. Our dynamic and hard working staff are full of ambition when it comes to their visions for 2022. The past two years have been challenging in many ways, but as a community we continuously responded with support, kindness and understanding in the face of this pandemic. We are grateful for this past year and all that we have learned, and are collectively excited for the possibilities that lie ahead.
Encouraging the growth of our team, we asked our staff to spend some time thinking about their personal goals for 2022. To no surprise we found ourselves in awe of the thoughtful and inspiring sentiments shared. Many of our staff shared similar goals, while some had creative visions for this year.
From developing new exercise routines to improving time management and overall health, many are focused on advancing themselves this year. Several people are interested in learning to cook new recipes, which we hope they plan to share in our cooking group chat! A few want to make music or learn a new instrument while some hope to read more frequently. To get more active, many are hoping to bike to work or take more bike excursions in general. A couple staff members are hoping to put themselves out there in 2022 to meet new people and go on some fun dates!

While there were several trends in responses, we also noticed that each staff member had at least one goal completely unique to them! Here are a few highlights:

F is going to make an effort to join an acting agency and hopes that 2022 will be the inception of their acting career!
A would like to learn how to read Cantorial Music because they enjoy singing.
S is looking forward to taking their daughter camping this summer!
M wants to make more of an effort to take photos and journal regularly
J is planning on building various pieces of furniture with their dad for their new apartment!
M is hoping to visit their sister who lives in London, and wants to ride the Northern subway line while they are there.
Z wants to set aside more time to work on their manuscript.
A wants to become a more mindful consumer and make a conscious effort to be thoughtful about their purchases and the environmental impact.
H wants to foster or adopt a kitten!
J wants to work on keeping an open mind.
J wants to travel to Paris or Hawaii!
M wants to work on more projects with their new 3D Pen!
We cannot wait to see and hear about all of the amazing accomplishments awaiting our team in 2022, and hope that sharing these messages with you ignites inspiration for your own year ahead. Let’s make this year the best one yet! Go team Good Foot! 🙂